Friday, September 2, 2011

Return of Ms. Reardon

I am excited to see everyone two years taller and smarter! This year I will be posting your artwork on this blog. A blog is like an online diary. I keep a blog to post pictures and stories about our Art Class. The blog allows you to make comments. With comments you can tell your friends you like their artwork, comment on your own artwork, or mention something that you learned in class. Share the website with your friends and family and they can leave comments too. It is a great way to show off your artwork. Work hard and soon you can find your artwork here.

1) Click on the link that states how many comments were made.
2) This will give you an option to read the comments and/or post a comment.
3) Type the comment and your name
4) Post as Anonymous or create a google account to post publicly.
5) I must approve comment before it is visible, so check back later to see your comment.

Some reminders:
-I will organize the artwork by your graduating year.
-If you have brothers or sisters in lower grades, help them with the blog.
-I am sure I will make some mistakes. For example, I might spell your name wrong. Please write a comment on that post and I will correct it.
-Click on the image for a closer look.
-Right click to save the image to your desktop.
-If you have a google account, become a follower and you will get an email notifying when I post a new entry.

blog counter

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